Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's The Simple Things In Life

I can't believe how much I love my new blender. "Smoothie" mode is the best. In an attempt to do the "Bob Greene" Best Life Slimfast for dinner thing, I've found a new way to make my Slimfast a little more interesting. I feel like I've ordered a protein shake at a smoothie bar every time I have it. I love it.
1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1/4 scoop of a normal scoop size of protein powder (Apex brand)
8 or 9 ice cubes


Anonymous said...

sounds yummy. Protein shakes are my daughter's favorites. That is a nice twist, especially with the icecubes!

love.boxes said...

Shawna has this smoothie recipe that I love. It's really healthy too! I think a protein shake would be a good kid thing because they like and eat so many carbs all the time.